Sweating is a normal bodily function that helps to keep the body’s temperature steady so that all its chemical reactions function properly. Some people sweat much more than is needed to control their body temperature (up to 4 to 5 times more than necessary). This is a condition known as hyperhidrosis that can affect the armpits, hands, feet and face. It’s a relatively common condition that impacts on everyday life causing embarrassment, stress and anxiety.
Dr McManners makes precise excessive-sweating injections in the affected areas to help reduce perspiration. The toxin in the injection blocks the chemical at nerve endings which prompts sweat glands to work. Sweating is considerably reduced with results lasting for several months. The treatment can be repeated when sweating begins to increase.*
Migraine injections are also protein based. It is not yet fully understood how exactly injections work for chronic migraines but it may be due to a reduction in pain pathways of nerve cells in the trigeminovascular system. This system is thought to play a key role in the headache phase of a migraine attack. Dr McManners is highly experienced in the diagnosis of chronic migraine, management of its symptoms and carrying out migraine-injection treatment.
- Injections can help to treat excessive sweating and chronic migraines*
- Treatment may be repeated after several months to maintain results
- Minimally invasive with no downtime
*Individual results may vary.